Entries by Bethany

Permission Granted

This afternoon, in preparation for our first meeting of Writing Lab this quarter, I browsed my bookshelves and found Fingerpainting on the Moon by Peter Levitt. This book contains one of my all time favorite quotations (which I’ve shared more than once, but here it is again): “This is joy — the kind that comes from expressing […]

What’s My Assignment?

Our English word “assignment” originated in the 13th century, from Old French. It means “to allot by sign, to mark out, to award.” It’s the first day of fall quarter classes at my college, and I’ve just returned from my Creative Nonfiction class. My students are an inspiring mix, so inspiring that, for the  first […]


I’ve been at my desk in Gray Wolf Hall quite a lot this week, getting a stiff neck from sitting in front of the computer, and developing an eye twitch. I won’t start in about the meetings I’ve attended. I’m here to count my blessings. Number one — I have this great gig, a teaching […]


“If a vocation is as much the work that chooses you as the work you choose, then I knew from that time on that my vocation was, for better or for worse, to involve that searching for, and treasuring, and telling of secrets which is what the real business of words is all about.” -Frederick […]