Entries by Bethany

HONEYCOMB, poems by Carol Frost

I have made it through the Sealey Challenge, through 32 total books and out the other side of August (34 if you count Ravenna Press’s Triple as 3 chapbooks). I posted a photograph on Instagram of each cover with the day’s number, with the exception of this book. (For day 13, I posted another cover […]

John Egbert, BEARINGS

BEARINGS, John Egbert. Bellingham, WA, 2024, 102 pages, $15.99, paper. LANDMARKS, Robert Macfarlane. Penguin, UK, 2016, 448 pages, $18.00, paper, penguin.co.uk. Landmarks is about language, specifically it is about language that describes land. “It is a field guide to literature I love,” Macfarlane writes, “and it is a word-hoard of the astonishing lexis of landscape […]

Molly Tenenbaum, THE ARBORISTS

THE ARBORISTS, Molly Tenenbaum. MoonPath Press, P.O. Box 445, Tillamook, OR 27142, 2023, 98 pages, $16.99, paper, http://MoonPathPress.com. Eleven days down on the Sealey Challenge, twenty days to go. My brain is bursting, and though I’m making notes for future blogposts, there’s a tendency for everything to begin blurring together. Then (honestly, almost every day), […]

Michele Bombardier, WHAT WE DO

WHAT WE DO: POEMS, Michele Bombardier. Kelsay Books, Aldrich Press, 2018, 86 pages, $17 paper, www.kelsaybooks.com. Hospitals on fire, wasps nests, witchhazel scratching at windows, wine that tastes like relief, poems like prayer—it’s hard not to swoon over this book. I agree with Dorianne Laux, who (in her cover blurb) writes: “At its center, What […]