Entries by Bethany

Writing Lab Returns

This fall I am taking time off from teaching my regular load of classes. I am training myself to avoid saying, “I’m not working.” I am working. I’m getting up every morning and writing…except when I’m on my way to Chehalis (so far, every week) to see my mother, or to attend a conference. I am […]

Dean Young

I came across this line in my reading today. It’s from Dean Young’s The Art of Recklessness: “But IT’S OKAY TO ENJOY WRITING! Poetry need not be a distillation of suffering!”


This weekend I am off to LitFuse in Tieton, Washington. Dorianne Laux, who wrote the introduction to my new book, Sparrow, is among the featured poets. Here’s a poem, which I’ve cut and pasted from The Poetry Foundation. Dust BY DORIANNE LAUX Someone spoke to me last night, told me the truth. Just a few words, but […]

The Potting Shed

This past weekend my husband and I traveled to Leavenworth to spend a couple days with his brothers and three of their cousins (the “girl cousins,” as they called themselves). Spending all of my time around 20-somethings and 14-year-olds, as I seem to these days, it was a treat for me to be the youngest. […]