Entries by Bethany

Clown Shoes

“Writing with something to prove – your extensive vocabulary, your arcane bits of knowledge, your cleverness – will trip you up like clown shoes.” -Cate Kennedy Perhaps I should just close my blog and direct everyone to Aerogramme Writers’ Studio?

Writer’s Block

I visited Aerogramme Writers’ Studio today to take a look at their feature on Writer’s Block. Not that I’m suffering. I just spent two days in Chehalis, however, and then Sunday waylaid me with its usual demands. So, no writing for three days. And that meant that this morning was hard. Finally, I turned the […]

Another Soccer Mom Poem…

And so school begins. Emma is in high school now,  my only kid playing soccer this fall. We’re getting Annie outfitted to leave for WWU on Sept. 19th. I am writing every morning. Meanwhile, I have 302 postcard addresses, only 31 of which I have sent postcards to. So even though August was postcard poetry […]