Entries by Bethany


“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” – Tom Robbins Have you ever noticed that whenever you commit to a change, the universe rushes in –no, not the universe, your kids, all the significant others in your life — as if to test your resolve? Are you sure, they seem to ask. Do […]


My composition students today began a forty-day experiment. We’re reading a book called Real Questions, and thanks to editor Kathryn Evans and Bedford-St. Martins we have a bunch of great essays and book excerpts to read about media, food, violence, and relationships. I had a brainstorm that while we were writing about real changes people can make […]

The Poem in My Pocket

Yesterday was “Poem in Your Pocket” Day, and I was fortunate to be invited by David Horowitz to read poems with four other poets at the Edmonds Bookshop, where I sold four books, and bought two. Here’s a poem for your pocket from Jane Kenyon: The Thimble I found a silver thimble on the humusy […]

Ellen and Eclipse

Someone emailed to tell me “that foal looks like a goat,” so here’s a picture of Ellen with Eclipse, who is all grown up now. I’m not sure what’s going on with the costume. Whenever I see Ellen, she’s wearing blue jeans. These pictures happen to be from a blog called Photography with Soul. And there […]