Be Kind, Work Hard, Give Thanks

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I saw this bag at the Pacific Northwest Writers Association (PNWA) conference… which I managed to attend sporadically last week despite also driving back and forth to Olympia to see my mother four times (five times!). PNWA where, incidentally, I came in second (!) in two of the fiction categories (short story and mainstream), and met several agents and editors who invited me to show them some pages.
Up and down. That was my week. Mom was better, then she was worse. Then, a little progress in physical therapy gave us hope. Seeing her grandkids from out of state gave us hope. Learning to accept a new reality gave me more hope than I expected.
Last week I felt really really brave. When my literary agent suggested I find “fresh eyes,” I gave her up without the slightest angst (very unlike me). The bag, by the way, belongs to an editor at Sourcebooks, who would like to see the novel. I met lots and lots of very cool writers who, like me, are throwing their hearts into the ring…
I also met some really wonderful nurses and CNAs who definitely know how to be be kind, work hard, and give thanks.
At this point, on all fronts, I am simply waiting to see what happens next. And I’m taking notes.
Way to go, girl. so thrilled with the awards — and the agents who want to see the book!